Going Paperless Reduces Co-Op Cost & Yours!

Did you know that 85% of our members still receive paper bills? Postage and printing cost add up. Choosing to go paperless with our E-Bill option is way to help reduce cost as well as to receive your bill in timely manner.

Costs associated with mailing bills are on the rise. Members joining together in the cooperative spirit to select paperless billing, goes a long way in helping provide cost efficient service. As a non-profit entity we are always looking for opportunities that benefit our members. We encourage all member to give E-Bill a try. Its quick, easy and reduces clutter. And it saves money!

Bill and electronic notifications offer many features, like helpful reminders so you won’t forget to pay on time. Paperless payments are secure and often more convenient than dropping a check in the mail. Smart device users can even pay right from their phone with our free secure App, which also has a handy button for reporting outages. It’s like having your electric cooperative in the palm of your hand.

To sign up, just create an online account on our Account Services Portal.

Then follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Bill Notifications page located under the Billing & Payments.
  2. Under Bill Method, set your delivery method to E-Bill.
  3. Confirm the email address of where you want the bill sent.
  4. Click the Save Changes button.
  5. Visit the Manage Alerts page located under the My Account tab to sign up for Payment Notifications such as Due Date Reminders, and Payment Alerts to receive reminders by email or text.

As a cooperative, we are better together. We hope you’ll consider paperless billing. And if you have questions or need help getting set up, give us a call Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at (903) 763-2203