Local Non-Profits to Receive $63K in Grants

The board of directors of the Wood County Electric Charitable Foundation recently awarded $63,050 to 5 organizations that serve the citizens of WCEC’s 9-county service territory. The total amount given to local groups since the first donation in 2018 is $469,757. That’s almost a half a million dollars donated in four short years!

The recipients of the five most recent grants, the amounts awarded, and the projects they will fund are:

  • The Texas Ramp Project ($5,000) which provides free wheelchair ramps to low0income adults and others with disabilities. Ramps funded by this grant are built exclusively by volunteers and will be within WCEC’s service territory.
  • Forever Young Activity Center ($7,550.00), a facility for adult fellowship programs that enrich seniors, elevate their welfare and help them maintain health and happiness,
  • Jarvis Christian College ($15,000) located in Hawkins, will use the money to stock their non-profit food pantry to help students with food security, emergency travel and other personal needs.
  • Northeast Texas Community College Foundation ($15,000) serves students in Franklin, Titus, Hopkins and Wood Counties by providing physical, financial and emotional support to at-risk students to help them stay in school
  • Friends of the Arboretum ($20,500) provides educational and colorful gardens open to the public, along with learning and volunteer opportunities and will build an outdoor pavilion to be used for educational opportunities, as well as gatherings, and to generate revenue through rental.

About these donations, Trey Teaff, the Foundation’s Executive Director said, “Through their generosity, our members are infusing our local non-profits, the lifeblood of our communities, with the ability to provide important and sustaining services. It’s amazing to see the fruits this program bears year after year.” The WCECF is funded by WCEC members through Operation Round Up. Members that participate have their bills rounded up each month. Each member gives, on average, just $5.60 a year. When added together, these donations from the 78 percent of the membership that participates makes a very significant local impact. This program has funded fund food banks, lifesaving equipment, playground projects, civic events, wheelchair ramps and many other worthy causes.

Non-profits within the 9-county service territory served by WCEC are eligible to apply for grants, which are awarded twice a year in the spring and the fall. The deadline for applications for the next grant cycle is May 2022. All eligible entities are encouraged to review the qualifications and download the application at our website. As applications are received at the cooperative, they will be held and considered at the foundation’s fall board meeting.